
Inviterte gjester: Investorforum og Bergen Pitching Night

Høstens Connect Investorforum hos DNB har HELSE som tema og avsluttes med en grand finale. I samarbeid med Bergen Pitching Night og NHH Alumni blir siste del av kvelden dedikert til selskapspitcher fra lovende tidlig-fase selskaper. (Scroll down for the English version)

Arrangør: Connect Vest, DNB, NHH Alumni


Tema for høstens investorforum er helse. En av utfordringene i denne bransjen er at det er få investorer med spesialisering innen helse i Norge. Overordnet ønsker vi å oppmuntre til at flere helsebedrifter vokser frem, og vi vil at investorer og entreprenører skal få økt kunnskap om hvordan disse selskapene kan vokse, samt hvem som kan støtte dem. 

På Scenen Kommer

Pekka Simula - Innvestor, Helsinki: Founding to Series A: How to attract life science VC

Pekka Simula, Partner, Innovestor

Pieter van der Meijden - DnB Markets, Stocholm: Series A to IPO: How to finance growth

Pieter van der Meijden, Managing Director Investment Banking - Life Sciences & Healthcare at DNB Markets / DNB Back Bay

Torgrim Isaksen - DnB, Oslo: How the Corporate Banking side works with smaller health companies.

Torgrim Isaksen, Healthcare Industry Specialist - DNB Bank ASA, The Nordic Healthcare Industry Bank

Bergen Pitching Night

Bergen Pitching Night, som avslutter kvelden, er et samarbeid mellom NHH, Dealflow, Avo Consulting og Connect Vest. For investorer er dette en ypperlig anledning til å oppdage fremtidens gründerstjerner. Det vil bli mange selskaper innen helsetech og dermed en flott mulighet til å få et innblikk i banebrytende ideer som kan forme helsevesenet i årene som kommer.

For gründerselskaper/startups

Driver du en spennende startup innen helsetech og ønsker å pitche? Vi vurderer selskaper fortløpende.

Are you running an exciting healthtech startup and want to pitch? We evaluate companies on an ongoing basis.

Søk om å pitche/pitch application

Programmet for Connect Investorforum oppdateres fortløpende.

Connect Investor Forum Fall November 7th 2024, with and at DNB

Topic: Health - One of the challenges in this industry is that there are few health specialist investors in Norway.

Location: DNB, Solheimsviken, Bergen

Time: 3:00 PM – 8:00 PM

Target audience: Investors and health entrepreneurs from Western Norway (and beyond). We typically draw between 70 and 130 attendees to this type of event.

Objective: Our goal is to foster the growth of more health companies in this region of Norway. We aim to increase investors' and entrepreneurs' understanding of how to scale their companies globally and identify the right support systems to achieve this.

  • Encourage more investors to become seriously involved in the health sector.
  • Help investors and entrepreneurs understand the key drivers of the sector, with a focus on medtech and digital solutions.
  • Provide insights into what it takes to build growth companies in the health space.
  • Clarify how to attract the right health investors at different stages of a company's development.
  • Showcase successful growth cases and highlight experienced investors across various segments of the health industry.

From 15:00 PM: Program - High-level content and audience interaction. On stage you will se:

  • Pekka Simula - Innvestor, Helsinki: Founding to Series A: How to attract life science VC
  • Pieter van der Meijden - DnB Markets, Stocholm: Series A to IPO: How to finance growth
  • Torgrim Isaksen - DnB, Oslo: How the Corporate Banking side works with smaller health companies.

From 16:40 PM: Bergen Pitching Night - pitches in English and possible input from an international panel of experts.

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Inviterte gjester: Investorforum og Bergen Pitching Night

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